Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
About Us
Purpose of SMACNA-BC
Improve the financial stability and business conditions of the sheet metal industry, and to develop and promote methods to improve managerial proficiency
To improve quality, efficiency and productivity of, and within, this industry, and to implement high standards of work
To establish and maintain high ethical standards of conduct between members of the Association, and between members and owners, architects, engineers, other contractors, and the public
To study and help in the development and enforcement of governmental codes and regulations, and such legislation as may be necessary for the best interest of the public and the sheet metal industry
To promote harmony in labour relations
To exchange technical, professional, and educational information with other contractor associations in the sheet metal industry and its allied trades in Canada and other countries
To affiliate as a Chapter with the Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors' National Association, Inc.
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